Steam Workshop Downloader 您所在的位置:网站首页 steam workshopdownloader Steam Workshop Downloader

Steam Workshop Downloader

2023-04-07 02:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Steam Workshop Downloader

After 6 years of providing you with download links for Workshop mods, it is now time to close the doors on this project. It was the first of its kind back when it launched in August 2014 and has served over 6 million downloads since then, having over 90k users/month at its peak. However, as with everything in the tech world, there is constant change. Steam have updated their tooling and it is now a bit more complicated to get ahold of workshop files. But fear not, it is still possible! The website uses the new methods, works for a lot of games, and is still actively maintained by a great person. I fully recommend you to head there for all your Workshop downloading needs. This domain will be donated to their efforts sometime in the near future.

I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, I wish you an eternity of happy downloading and gaming!


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While now mostly defunct, in case you're interested, the source code for can be found here.






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